Saturday, January 18, 2014

Blog #1

Before I signed up for EDM310, I read a little bit about it, and quickly assumed that it was just going to be another one of those computer classes where they give you a few questions to answer once a week or so and get a grade on them. I was amazed to find out that the class was absolutely nothing like what I had imagined it to be, in a positive way of course. I have come across numerous people who have taken the class before me, and I will admit that their opinions about the class varied. They either loved it or hated it, there was no grey area with them, which sort of worried me. One former student said that the activities she engaged in were highly insightful, fun, and involving, and that it was one of the best classes that she's ever taken in her college career. On the other hand, another student said that the class literally made him want to skip town and never want to involve himself with another computer ever again! I'll admit, that's terrifying news coming from anyone who's ever experienced a class like that!

Naturally, I assume the worst when it comes to people's opinions about classes, but I'm diving into this class with a positive attitude, though I do have a couple of concerns for this class. One fear that I have is that I turn something in online and it doesn't go through. In other words, I have trust issues when it comes to the internet and online classes for that matter. What if I complete something and at the same time my internet crashes and I loose my work? I guess I'm a little paranoid, but I can't help but be a little insecure about my projects and activities being turned in on time. Other than that, I'm keeping my mind wide open for this class to learn new technological things, because I can just tell that this class will be nothing like any old computer class I've taken here at South and my former high school. EDM310 will teach us how to integrate technology and internet components with our very own future classrooms, unlike the other classes I've taken that only show us the simple basics of a computer. In fact, it sounds so much more exciting and beneficial to us in the end.

I think the most challenging thing that I'm expecting in EDM310 is the time management aspect of it. I know it sounds like I should be the master of time by now, but the list of things for us to do this semester is tremendous. This class will definitely put me to the test in that area of my life! The best way to address my difficulties is to write down the projects and activities onto a calendar and check them off week by week. It'll knock off some stress and help me in the long run.

All in all, there are no questions lingering in my mind about EDM310. I will take it one day at a time and understand that this class will benefit not only my career, but my life!


  1. "One fear that I have is that I turn something in online and it doesn't go through. In other words, I have trust issues when it comes to the internet and online classes for that matter. What if I complete something and at the same time my internet crashes and I loose my work?" This is a fear of many students and while sometimes the internet does crash and we can't prevent all incidents like this we can prevent not having our work turned in. If you finish the work a little earlier in the week, rather than on Sunday,and a problem comes up or the internet crashes you will still have time to fix that issue or go someplace with internet access before the assignments are due. The best thing I can tell you is set time aside each week to work on EDM and if you have questions or problems the lab assistants and Dr. Strange are happy to help you. Maybe set a goal for yourself to have your work done by a certain time or day.

    Great idea about having a checklist to check off your assignments. You can use the Master Checklist as a guide each week to check off the things you have completed or still need to be finished.

    Welcome to EDM 310!

  2. "... I assume the worst when it comes to people's opinions about classes…" So you always believe the glass is half empty?

    Lindsey has offered you good advice in her comment above.

  3. Kaitlyn, I have the same fear about my laptop crashing and erasing all of the things I was working on. It has happened to me before. One thing that might help to ensure that your stuff doesn't get erased is to save often. Or even publish your post before finishing just so that if your computer does crash or something crazy happens at least you will have some work saved. I need to try your idea of a checklist. Time management is one thing that is really hard for me with so many things going on. It is hard to find time to even sleep. I need to start making a checklist of things I need to do and not wait till the last day to complete them. 9 hours is a lot of time to dedicate to one class, but I think we can both do it!
