Monday, March 31, 2014

C4K March Summary

In this month of March, I was fortunate to comment on three blogs of three amazing kids!

iPad                My C4K #6 was a little girl named Nahea from New Zealand! In her blog, she made a video of herself explaining the cool things you can do with an iPad to learn. She created a colorful picture with the iPad, and she seemed very enthused to talk about it on her blog.

                My reply to her was: "Hello Nahea, I am Kaitlyn Wyman and I am from the University of South Alabama in Mobile, Alabama! I happened to come across your video and picture and I must say that you are a very creative little girl! Using an iPad to create pictures is extremely high-tech and I am glad that you know how to use it at your young age! Keep up the good work!"

Cyclone                My C4K #7 was a girl named Josephine, also from New Zealand, and in her blog, she talked about how a cyclone touched down in Auckland, New Zealand, and explained its dangerous effects. She then went on to say what things cyclones and other storms can do to a neighborhood, like cause power outages, land slides, and broken buildings. She even provided preparation plans in the wake of a cyclone, and it was extremely informative.

                My reply to her was: "Hello Josephine! My name is Kaitlyn Wyman, and I attend the University of South Alabama in Mobile, Alabama. I am in a class called EDM 310 that enables me to create my own blogs, learn how to use the latest technology that can be used in classrooms, and of course, check out other kids' blogs from all around the world. It's very exciting for me. I was assigned you as my student to comment on, and I must say that you have very great writing skills! The way that you described cyclones and their damaging effects drew me in as a reader. I also liked how you used examples on how to prepare for a cyclone and how to stay safe. Keep up the good work, and thank you for sharing!"

               My C4K #8 was Taniela. She is also from New Zealand. In her blog post, she made a Google Slides Show of how to do multiplication with larger numbers. She took me through a step-by-step process that showed me how to properly multiply when it comes to large numbers. I was very impressed that she knew to use Google Slides for her presentation.

math              My reply to her was: "Hi Taniela, my name is Kaitlyn Wyman and I am from Mobile, Alabama, and I am a college student at the University of South Alabama. I came across your Google Slide Show and I absolutely loved how you incorporated multiplication into the slide show. It was easy to understand, and I loved how you knew to use it. Great work!"

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